Monday, August 22, 2011

Wish List

We can't imagine a lover o' fashion out there that doesn't have a Wish List. There is always something new and beautiful that can be added to our closets. Tallahasse is off traveling the world/practicing her modeling on the streets (that made her sound a bit hooker-y.. oops), so today I am sharing The StyleLists' WishList. We have about 8 outfits almost blogworthy, but they are each just missing one piece to make them perfection. Here's what we need:

 Blue Blouse

   The Perfect White Blazer
                                                                                                                                                          photo: Atlantic-Pacific

Polka Dots. Lots and lots o' dots!

White Blouse

Skirts:  Leopard & Sequin (knee length) & Sheer (full length baby!)

And finally, stripes. Both horizontal and vertical

So, get excited for some new, lovely outfits to come! Oh and wish our credit cards luck......

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